A little about me and my weightloss journey

As a huge food lover I want to share some of my family meals I cook at home, I have been a Slimming World member since August 2014 and now proudly a Diamond Target member.

After putting on alot of weight after finding out I had PCOS, I then found it impossible to lose! I fell pregnant with my first daughter and as expected put on more weight, then when she was five months old I found out I was pregnant again!

By now I threw the towel in and just ate! I got upto around 15 stone and I was pregnant, found out I had GD and was so over weight they refused to allow me to have an epidural if I needed on during labour. This shocked me and I started to make small changes and small steps, I changed things like my milk from full fat to semi skimmed and bread to wholemeal. At my next midwife appointment I was shocked (and she!) to find out I had lost 1stone while pregant! I carried on with being more healthy in small steps, I lost two and a half stone during my pregnancy.

After she was born I could not lose anymore weight, I hit a brick wall and needed bigger steps. So I joined my local slimming world group, to my suprise everyone was so friendly and so much help.

I lost weight everyweek at a steady weight, intotal from the start of me making changes during pregnancy and after at my goup I have lost five and a half stone give or take.


On my blog I will share my meals and new ideas, enjoy!